Atom Town: artworks and writing about people places and technology by Gair Dunlop
“Yellowcake: atomic modern” is a 63 minute film which traces the rise and fall of the UK nuclear fission research programme, seen through its sites, archives, memories and consequences.
Gair Dunlop has spent 3 years gaining unique access to a range of research sites, archives and restricted facilities. As well as physical remains, the film explores the psychic realms of the nuclear- as postwar dream of a post-empire future, and apocalyptic terror as entertainment. The film features writer and broadcaster Ken Hollings as the Man with the Suitcase. Dunlop features in a cameo role as Murray Melvin.
The film can be viewed as a three screen synchronised projection work or as a single screen conventional work.
Elements of the film have been mixed live with musicians Adam Lockhart and Alan Cormack at NEoN Festival 2017.
The film has been exhibited at Timespan Helmsdale, during their “Navigating Deep Time” season. It has also been seen in the Cambridge Film Festival 2017, Solid State Cinema Glasgow, the Royal Scottish Academy, and the Rome Media Art Festival 2017.
“Yellowcake” was funded by Creative Scotland and by the Royal Scottish Academy’s Morton Award for lens-based media.
Direction, edit, camerawork: Gair Dunlop
Camerawork: Alan McIlrath, Jeppe Røde Nielsen
Sound design: Zoe Irvine
Musics and atmospherics: Mark Vernon